OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

FBX Export Settings Dialog

Used to export the open DGN file as an FBX file. FBX is an Autodesk file format which is used to exchange 3D content between different products.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Export > Exchange File Types > FBX (*.fbx)

Units Sets the units for the exported file. By default, Active Units is selected, in which, if the active DGN file's units are supported in FBX, the same units are used. If the units are not supported, then the model is exported in meters. Other units that can be selected from this drop-down are:
  • Kilometers
  • Meters
  • Centimeters
  • Decimeters
  • Millimeters
  • Miles
  • Feet
  • Inches
  • Yards
Stroke Tolerance (Meters) Sets the tolerance for the mesh elements of the exported geometry.
Convert Undisplayed Levels If on, geometry on undisplayed levels is included in the export.
Invert Y and Z Rotates the exported geometry so that Y becomes the upward direction instead of Z.
Export double sided If on, both the inner and outer faces are exported. If off, only the outer faces are exported.
Export Opens the Create FBX File dialog, which contains controls analogous to those in the Save As dialog.